Guaymas * Manzanillo * Topobalombo
La Union * Hermosillo

Iron Ore * Pellet * Briquettes
+39 Co-op Mines - over 3.5 Million MTW/month Capacity ASWP
Since 1985 under numerious collateral agreements
Offering Spot, Term and JV development Contracts

Contact Sales at:

Roland Quiros - Voice: 7O2 354 O6OO USA
Kam Sarang - Voice: 6O4 3O6 3383 Canada

Licensed Resellers:
Network Scrap Metal Corporation - Website:

Normal 64.5%FE and custom to as much as 80%FE processed - Powder, Fines, Lump, Pellet or Briquette with prices based on Platt's and adjustment based on quantity with extended terms to 5 years on +1MMTW/Mo orders

Click here to see our raw chemical specifications that can be blended

LC, URC522 D/P, BG @ 1.3x monthly, or CAD TTM @ escrow. All contracts require DCF at $1/MTW/mo, contracts are UCC under CIGS in the USA, with ICC under UNCITRAL, UCP600 terms

Private & Chartered Lease Min. QTY 150,000MTW/Mo in 150,000MTW increments- All CIP terms with SGSi,AQSIQ,CCIC, and other inspections as required for unload - documents are not provided for POP as it is against US Federal Regulations

Copyright © 1985-2014 Mexico Mines Incorporated - All rights reserved
a privately held NIST/ISO9000 compliant Chapter "C" Corporation - US REG# 47-2002425
Mexico Export and Mining Registrations Available to Paid Clients Only to Prevent Fraudulent Use of these Documents
There are no mining operations in the United States of America, non-mexico mines are owned by Tanyushka LLC a Delaware Chapter "C" Corporation
Management, Financial and Operations are directed from the United States of America